Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Depressed,Discouraged,and Angry

I woke up feeling very depressed and discouraged.Of course my animals keep me from laying in bed for hours.Paul didn't speak one word to me this morning.I am very thankful,but the tension in the house is palpable,and raw.
He is working with son today.That means at least half a day of some kind of peace,and space.
I can't believe that this morning,my mother actually asked if Paul had bi-polar.I wanted to scream,stomp,yell.I calmly told her the details,the facts,etc...Than she proceeded to tell me to lay off the diet coke and wine.I almost laughed at her.This was only the second time in maybe 6 months I had a little wine mixed in with my diet coke.She said I am worried about you becoming an alcholic,ROFLMAO.So sad,well meaning people who have no fucking clue.If I drink any alcohol in a one year period it is usually no more than 3 times .I hardly think that qualifies me as an alcoholic!.
It really hurts deep when your own family doubts your husband's illness.I got downright indignant with mom and told her,I don't need a diagnosis to know there is something wrong with husband's brain.Of course I am the only one dealing with this fulltime.
The way I feel today,Everyone else who doesn't understand ,well meaning or not,can go to Hell.
I am sick of this.
I think 23 years with this man qualifies me to know him better than anyone.People are so fucking stupid.
Even family,sometimes especially family.
Son Brian who has kept Donovan from my life ,emailed me the other day to invite me to lunch with him,his wife,my grandson and my other son Daniel,who hasn't spoken to me since he was mean and viscious to me the night before my knee surgery.Of course I am going to go,I want to see my grandson.I have no interest in seeing son Dan and his stupid wife.
Oh well,as usual I will eat crow to please everyone else.
What people don't understand is,my marriage ended 4 years ago,when Paul started really showing symptoms of Frontotemporal dementia.So legally I am married,but not in any other way.
I would rather live alone.Just my dogs,cats,turtle and me.
You know what Mom,if I want a fucking diet coke with a little wine mixed in,that is my choice,I am 46,and I will do whatever I damn well please to try and deal with this horrible life I have right now.I would gladly send husband aka Satan to any relative that wants the burden,any church buddies of his.Of course not,people want to preach to me,lecture me,give me positive thinking tips.Hey mom,wanna take Paulie off my hands for a month.Go ahead.Of course you won't,that is the hard part.It is easier to offer advice.Go to Hell world,Go to Hell.

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