Saturday, February 16, 2008

To my Online Friends and Support Group

This blog tonight,Saturday evening,6:46 EST is for my online friends ,both from my blog and the FTD Support group online.If it weren't for you all,I would really feel alone.I mean,I already am lonely,but just knowing you gals are out there,keeps me going.I am so grateful our paths have crossed,although I wish none of us had to deal with FTD/Dementia.
I took a nice long nap today,I was so depressed,I needed it.I did some things around the house,and I am putting off cleaning the Turtle tank,not my favorite job.
Husband Paul has not come home,I have a feeling out of spite,he probably will stay at a hotel or something.I actually hope and pray he doesn't come home tonight.That is one night,I won't be on edge,or scared,or nervous and anxious.
My precious oldest son Tom,called today to check in on me,he is going to be a first time daddy end of March.He said,if Paul won't go to Hershey Pa,he will take leave from the Air Force and take him ,himself.What a guy!
Youngest son is feeling better from the stomach bug,and since Paul's rant this am,he has been hiding out in his room upstairs.
I also want to reach out to anyone out there,who is living with a spouse who has FTD,or any other type of Dementia,and who is lonely and needs an ear.I am here.I am online a lot.When I can be there and help others,it takes me out of my world temporarily,and it does my heart good.
I need friends,but I can be a friend as well.As any woman out there knows,the nights are the worst,the loneliest,the bleakest.I seem to be able to deal with things better during daylight.
I find a dread coming over me as the sun goes down.
For all you women out there who are lonely,suffering,sad,depressed.My heart is with you.Peace and Good night

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