Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Things that Piss me off Part 2

Greetings that I have finally showered,it is only 4:17 in the afternoon.I thought I would continue things that piss me off.The topic now is going to be the unbelievable pressure on women to look and be perfect.
I think it is very important to eat healthy foods,I also believe in balance.Did you ever wonder why there are so many billions of diets popping up ???!!!it is big business,and guess what,Diets don't work!Healthy eating in smaller portions and some nice walking does,or whatever excercise floats your boat.
Sure everyone can follow a prescribed plan for a time,but the key is making lifelong changes,and NOT,and I repeat NOT focusing on the pounds.
Two years ago,for health reasons,I totally changed my way of eating.I did it my way(Sorry Frank)
Over a year and a half I lost 78 pounds and several sizes.I felt great,it was nice to have a better variety of clothing to choose from,but you know what,and I have felt this way since I was little,and not fat.It is the inside that matters.Guess what,that is not the message we women are getting from anywhere,that is not the message we are giving our little girls and teens.I was a normal weight up until I had 3 sons in 3 years by age 21.Than my weight fluctuated up and down like a see saw.The sad thing is though,when I was a teen ,I thought I was fat,Thanks to subliminal messages in Teen magazines.Ads on Tv.My fat phobic parents.
When are we women going to realize and revolt,yes to eating healthy,no to a cookie cutter body type,cookie cutter weight chart.We need to stop comparing ourselves to other women.We are all born different,shaped different,look different.This is a good thing.
I must admit in my normal weight days to feeling quite smug sometimes about being at a normal weight ,while some were fat.Well,I am on the other side of the fence.I know the feeling of being normal weight,and being very fat.I still try and make healthy food choices,I know it is good for me,but having dieting and food take up most of our lives as women is to miss out on so much that life has to offer.
At 46,do I want to lose extra weight,You betcha,am I going to continue to try and make healthy food choices,YOu betcha.However,I am not going to starve myself anymore,spend tons of time figuring out how I can go down several sizes by a certain date,compare myself to so and so who looks like a model.
I am me,God made me unique,and he made you unique and different.We need to live women,We need to have fun,and stop trying to have the perfectly clean house,the perfect body,the perfect life,it ain't going to happen,and what a waste of our precious lives.We are worth more than tits and ass,we have heart and souls and personalities and love and caring in our favor.We need to stop trying to please everyone and their mother and learn to say NO.
We need to stop holding ourselves up to an impossible standard that no one can keep.
We need to love ourselves,imperfections,skin tags,moles,strectch marks,saggy boobs(that would be me) and all.We are more than our bodies.Much love to all the women out there.Be good to yourself....Peace

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