Thursday, March 20, 2008

Starting a New Blog

Hello everyone.I finally can think,and have gotten over mostly the exhaustion from the U.Penn Journey.The Good News is,Paul does not have frontotemporal dementia.The bad news is,he does have brain shrinkage,and some deficits,and it could turn into dementia down the road.Now we both have to work on rebuilding this shattered marriage.The Good News,We both seem to want the same thing for our marriage.The Bad....i feel like a shell of a woman,a person.I feel like I am drifting ,lost ,very lost at sea.
So,either I will figure out how to change the title of this blog,or create a totally new one.....I will keep you posted.
I missed writing on this blog,and I missed all of you,my soul sisters across the web...Peace

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